

Another One For The Books

In a few hours 2009 will be finished. And, so will this decade.

For the past week or so I had been planning to do a bit of a look back at the past 10 years of this new century, but earlier today as I put the finishing touches on post I changed my mind. Though I believe it's important to look back, and this is the natural time to do so, I've decided that now is not time to publish this particular finished product. I will instead keep it in my drafts for further consideration, and tweaking, for publishing at a later date.

What I will say on this last evening of 2009 is that I have learned a lot this year (as it appears I do every year). I've learned about life, people and most importantly about myself. I am glad for these lessons and hope to apply them going forward.

As for a New Year's resolution - there is only one. Too be the best version of me possible everyday. I already know there will be days that I will grossly fail at this, but I aim to make those days the exception; not the expectation.

With that in mind there is only one thing left to say -

Until later . . .


Some Of My Favorite Things

I'm straying from my "normal" Wednesday post.

Julie Andrews sang about her favorite things in the movie, "The Sound of Music." Oprah celebrates here favorite things by dedicating a full show to them. This week, I am posting a few of mine on my modest little blog.

My Family

This is a shocking one for a lot of people, but it's true. For all the good, bad, ugly and drama they bring I love my family so much. The thing I love most is that we really do rally for one another at the end of the day.

My Friends

Or, my extended family. This includes my knitting peeps. I have the best group of friend EVER. There are specific individuals I could point out, but I'm not going to because I'm afraid of missing someone.

G-d's warped sense of humor

Yeah . . . Life is filled with randomness. Sometimes that randomness is just very warped. However, I am thankful for the warped sense of humor. It turned out to be a good thing.

Auntie Froggie

Let me tell you, there is nothing like having a 4- and 2- year-old running towards you filled with enthusiasm shouting out your name. Ok, well in this case my name is Auntie Froggie. It is such a wonderful thing that I had to tell my auntie about it and how I now know how she must feel to hear me say, "Auntie L."

Small, Medium, Large, E and M

There are more little ones that I enjoy being around. I really like being "Miss F" to Small, Medium and Large . . . and I love that they think of me as their friends too - it's cute.

As for E and M - I wish I could see them more, but when I do I'm happy. They grow so much between visits it's crazy!

Knitted Socks

I lose machine made socks like it's going out of style. Granted there is a purpose for them (I'm not about to take an 8 mile walk in knitted socks). That said, knitted socks are just a little piece of heaven that I think everyone should experience.


It took being away from my home to truly appreciate it.

Sky Diving

Yeah, I know this is not a shocker. However, how could I not put this on my list of favorite things!? It is my hope int he next year or so that I will get my license to jump on my own.

A Sense of Adventure

Sky diving isn't the only thing I have lined-up to do in 2010. There are a few new things to try . . . hopefully including a very special trip I've been wanting to take for sometime.


Who doesn't love cupcakes!?

My view of the world


Yeah, I'm more about warmer weather than the cold stuff.

Techy Stuff

I'm a special kind of techy geek!


Did you really think I was going to leave that out?

Until later . . .



It's been seven months in making . . . .

On this last blankie update for 2009 I am so proud to report that I made it to HALFTIME! That's right folks, I am halfway to 736 squares!!!!

Before the entertainment (because every halftime needs some sort of entertainment), here is the halftime report:

The Official Sock Yarn Blankie Square Count for December 29, 2009:

Squares Needed: 736

Squares Knit and Stitched Together: 368

Remaining Squares Needed: LOTS! In real numbers 368

There are pictures to mark the occasion however they haven't been uploaded yet. And, since they are not on my camera it is out of my control as to when I will have them to post. Hopefully, sooner rather than later.

Now, that that is out of the way. . . Let's get on with the halftime show - after these commercial messages:

Until later . . .


Just Jump

Sometimes I wonder how many people pay to go sky diving and then once they are 13,000 feet up in the air don't do it. It has to happen - right!?

Lately, I feel like I'm one of those people. I've paid for the jump, have the suit and gear on and I'm kneeling on the edge just moments away from a potentially exciting and life changing experience. However, I can't seem to arch my back, push myself forward and let go of the "oh shit bar" affixed above me.

I know all the reasons why I should jump and all the reasons why I don't want too. I have reviewed them time-and-time-and-time again. I've even confessed everything to my priestess - BFF. Still it doesn't help.

My window of opportunity is quickly passing me by. Before I know it the pilot will need to bring the plane down so they can refuel and take the next load up. A load with someone else braver than I.

I have to admit I'm a bit disappointed in myself. For all the strides I've made over the past years I've never felt so frozen. Never so scared to try for something so simple.

So here I am . . . kneeling . . . hoping that I will just jump and see where the ride takes me.

Until later . . .


Jewish Christmas (Cliff Notes Style)

Christmas Eve:

• Family Time

• Time with friends

• Yay for the favorite restaurant that stays open on Christmas Eve!

• LOVE the movie "A Christmas Story." (Why didn't I do this earlier?)

Jewish Christmas:

• 'Tis the season to sleep in and be lazy.

• Holiday lunchin' with Misty and crew. It was so sweet of her to do!

• SMILE! : D

• Good company, strange movie and Chinese food.

Post Jewish Christmas:

"Oh the weather outside is frightful; But the fire is so delightful; And since we've no place to go; Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!"

• Wait a minute! There are errands to run so can we stop the snow for about an hour?

• Ok, errands finished, let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!

• Wow! This sounds like it could be dialogue from "A Christmas Story."

• Location! Location! Location!

• Pedicure socks pretty much finished, but just need some finishing touches.

• Yay for no more 24/7 Christmas music.

• What's the plan for New Year's Eve?

Until later . . .


Should You Celebrate




A Christmas What?

Year . . . after year . . . after year . . . I have tried. However, I could never make it all the way through.

This year, I have my knitting ready and yummy snacks.

Once again, I will see if I can watch the movie A Christmas Story all the way through.

Wish me luck!

Until later . . .


In 15 Blurbs Or Less

• "Should we start planning for next time, sometime in mid-2011?"

• Better late than never.

• I have resisted the temptation of the Dizzy Sheep - I must be sick.

• In some messed-up way I kind of feel sorry for her.

"Festivus for the rest of us."

• And that is one more thing that will go on my project list.

• Gee, I didn't get that memo about myself - thank you for the update!

• At what point does she understand her jokes are grossly inappropriate?

• "Gee, it's like she's your mother or something."

• "Oh, I mean awesome in the most awesomeness way possible."

• When she said "MAC" I thought she meant the computer, not the cosmetics company.

• There seems to be a wave of insomnia making it's way around these parts.

• "You get paid to be paranoid."

• It's like ice skating with your car.

Until later . . .


Bowling With Blankie

Blankie went bowling tonight. So, this report is coming to you a little later than "normal" - whatever normal may be.

The Official Sock Yarn Blankie Square Count for December 22, 2009:

Squares Needed: 736

Squares Knit and Stitched Together: 325

Remaining Squares Needed: LOTS! In real numbers 411

So, the monster didn't grow that much over the past week. Mainly do to lack of yarn for square, but also due to the fact that I've been working feverishly on my mom's pedicure socks. I have to admit, I like having a break from working on squares, but this week yield 50-some things of minis which means I'm back to the grind of making mitered squares. I have to say, it's a bit overwhelming to have all these minis in my possession. This is the most I've ever had at one time. And there are more coming my way. (Now may be a good time to lock myself into my place and get crankin on squares.)

I am still hell-bent on transporting this monster around with me. As it grows it is getting a bit harder to manipulate as I add squares, but I am forging ahead!

Spinner and I were talking today and somehow the topic of this monstrous project came up. (I honestly can't recall how the topic came up since we weren't even talking about anything knitting or fiber related.) She asked how big it had gotten. I told her. It was at that point she told me I would need to take a picture with it so she could have a point of reference of its size. I then explained that it covers my ottoman, dining room table and cedar chest quite nicely. That helped. In the next couple of days I will be seeing Spinner so I've decided I will have to show her blankie since she has heard so much about it.

Last on my agenda this evening is to report that all the swapping drama has ceased! Yay!!! I was relieved by this. As I said earlier, it made something that was suppose to be fun somewhat stressful. So we are now moving forward and swapping in 2010 will be all fun and no drama!

Until later . . .


This Time It's Personal

I'm always surprised at the things that trigger memories. The things that trigger bad memories.

A few months back, I had to go for finger printing as part of a mandatory background check. In the days leading up to the printing I have to admit I was a bit anxious. My anxiety was very upsetting to me. I couldn't come-up with any valid reason I should be so upset about it - it was routine. The printing came and went. Afterward, as I was discussing the experience with a friend it hit me like a ton of bricks. I knew exactly why I had been so anxious. It wasn't the actual event itself or what "might" be found (there was nothing to be found). It was that the event had triggered memories of a not so pleasant experience.

This past Saturday, when I read the message about my friend's home I froze and an indescribable feeling had overcome me. I was actually with another friend and I just sat there staring at my computer screen. Over the first 24 hours or so, whenever I have talked about this situation I found myself getting really upset. Yesterday afternoon, I figured why this event had such an impact on me. What a relief! But wow! I would have never realized that something like this could make such a connection so quickly.

On many of an occasion I've been told emotional wounds heal over time. At the time the suggestion of such a thing was met by my very apparent cynical sarcasm - much to the chagrin of the messengers. However, truth be told, the internal optimist that resides inside me does believes those words to be accurate.

With that in mind, I don't think they fully go away. (As the above scenarios demonstrate.) I think once the wound has scabbed-over and a barely visible scar starts to reveals itself, there comes a time one must decide how that scar will become part of them. Will it hold them back? Or, will it serve as a reminder of how resilient they really are?

The Answer: Well, in your life that is up to you. Just like in mine it is up to me. But the important thing to realize is that it is a choice; not a certainty.

Until later . . .


On The Surface

On the surface, it may appear knitting groups are just a group of individuals sitting around talking about yarn and patterns. Showing off their latest project and accomplishments and plotting future fibrous conquests.

It's been less than 48 hours since my friend's house burnt down and the troops have rallied. A Paypal account is being establish to take donations, a needs list has been established and is being distributed. Other special surprises are in the works. Messages are flying back and forth on Facebook and lots of brainstorming has taken place through out the day. At knitting group today, no one was talking about yarn. Instead the conversation centered around trying to figure out what could been done to help one of our own.

On the surface, it may appear knitting groups are just a group of individuals sitting around talking about yarn and patterns. Showing off their latest project and accomplishments and plotting future fibrous conquests.

In reality, knitting groups are so much more. It is a time in which a community is being a built and established. The bonds of friendship are being formed and the foundation of support laid.

Today, and in the days to come, we come together to take care of one of our own as if it were us going through this unfortunate turn of event that has come to pass because beyond the surface we are bound by the fiber that bring us together in the first place.

Until later . . .


More Important

I had a few things on my mind for today's post . . .

Then I picked a message that the home of my one my friends burnt to the ground this morning. Her, and her family are without, well, everything. I couldn't imagine what is more important than that at this moment.

They are staying with family at the moment and went shopping for some clothes. I'm waiting to find out how I can help out. I can only imagine they will need much more as the days go on.

Please keep my friend, and their family, in your thoughts and prayers as the the days ahead will be challenging ones for them.

Until later . . .


Report Card

I'm stealing this idea from KP...

Lately, I've been feeling like I haven't accomplished much knitting this year. Then I read KP's list of knitting accomplishments for 2009 and thought maybe I should list out mine. (Sometimes if you write it down you gain perspective.) So I did. This is what I came up with:

• 1 Scarf

• 2 Kippot

• 2 Hand Dyed Hanks of Sock Yarn

• 4 Original Patterns (that will one day make it to written format)

• 5 Wee Tiny Socks

• 6 Hats

• 9 Pairs of Socks

• 9 Dish Rags

• 500 Mitered Squares (320 on my personal blankie; 180 on my mom's blanket)

• Many - New Friends

• Countless/Priceless - Memories

Not bad if I do say so myself. Guess I accomplished more this year knitting wise than I thought (... and somehow I managed to have a life outside of knitting as well!)

Until later . . .


I'm Just Me

• "You wished me dead.. I mean really, it isn't like a love fest around here tonight."

• "I plan to make my family suffer through the reading of my will by making them sit through an extraordinarily specific and painfully detailed listing of whom my stash and knitting supplies go to before addressing the division of financial assets and property. The most important things come first!"

• Sock Wars vs. Iron Knitter

• They screwed up my meal and everyone benefited, but me - how does that work out?

• Google Wave = Overrated (FAIL!)

• The glasses make the woman

• H6N1 is coming and it's bigger and badder than H1N1

• Why 6? Why not 3 or 8?

• "I felt like a yarn dealer."

• Our Sabbath Year

• Mint Chip . . . Peppermint . . . Smores . . . I will take one of each!

• "It's mini-McEnroe!"

• But the yarn is for me, so why do you say I need to get something for me?

• Almost five years to see the ending of the movie . . . Talk about anti-climactic.

Until later . . .


Swap Monkey!

The Official Sock Yarn Blankie Square Count for December 15, 2009:

Squares Needed: 736

Squares Knit and Stitched Together: 320

Remaining Squares Needed: LOTS! In real numbers 416

What I really wanted the title of this post to be is "Crap Monkey," but felt that wouldn't be so cool so it's "Swap Monkey" instead. There has been a lot of drama surrounding mini swapping these days. I know it sounds crazy, but you're talking about 20 different personalities coming together. Clashes are bound to happen. It's been a bit frustrating however, I believe it will be coming to an end soon - I hope . . . Being upset and frustrated at others is draining and something I try to avoid as much as possible. Oh, it also takes the fun out of the whole experience as well. And, at the end of the day I believe that is the whole point of this - to have fun. So, the drama will soon be over and we can get back to having fun. Yay!

I wish I could get paid to be a Swap Mom. Like make that my job. I'm good at it. I mean really good at it.

This past weekend I draped blankie over my ottoman and my cedar chest. It makes a perfect cover for both! I also did a little measuring on my bed. I'm almost at the half way point and it's growing at a perfect rate. If I measured right, another 1.5 times the size will be at the length I want it at. I'm so excited. I can't believe I'm almost at the halfway point. The possibility of having this completely done next November seems more and more possible each week.

That's all I really have today. It's been a crazy day that started out kind of blah, but has ended on a happy, and warm thanks to my blankie, note.

Until later . . .


Answers Please

There is this episode of Friends where Rachel says she needs someone to make all her decisions for her (or, at least those pertaining to romance) and Monica volunteers. How nice would that be? Have someone to make all your decisions for you. As far as I'm concerned that would just be grand!

Yesterday, I was catching-up with KP about a lot of different things (because we never talk). During the conversation I told her I wanted her to start making all my decisions for me. I think it caught her off guard. No, I hadn't been watching the Friends episode I referenced above - it just popped into my mind.

I don't deal well with unknowns. Or maybe I should say, I don't deal well with having a lot of unknowns. Let's face it, life in general is one big unknown. However, it's nice to have some things in your world that you know for sure. A foundation of sorts. It makes making decisions easier. Have you ever had to make a decision not having many solid facts? Not easy, let me tell ya.

So, I enlisted my "Monica" for the job. As flattered as she was, KP passed. She wasn't sure she'd be much better at it. Sigh.

There are 17 days left to 2009 and lots of unknowns. Maybe I'm going through all this so I will get to a place where I'm more comfortable with the unknown. Or, become more of a "go with the flow" person than I've already become. Who knows. In the meantime I have to wonder, where is that life decoder ring when you need it?

Until later . . .



• Cold gone

• Hair cut; brows waxed

• Rested

I'm feeling back to normal. Or, at least as normal as normal gets. It's amazing the difference a few days of rest, a humidifier and a hair cut/eye brow wax can make. Just those few things have made me feel human again.

There is no denying that winter is here. And though it does take me an extra 5 minutes getting out of my place these days due to the extra accessories I need to wear, I'm taking it all in stride. I keep telling myself that the next three and half months will pass in no time. (Please someone remind of this in mid-January when I'm bitching about the weather.)

Aside from having to sport the every so sexy snow boats and winter coat, another tell-tale sign that winter has arrived is the reemergence of my Tera Spa neck pillow. It's my third winter with this fantastic item. And yes, I'm still waiting for my commission check from the Tara Spa people. Apparently they didn't get the memo last year when I plugged this thing for them. It's been very helpful with R&R lately. I am very thankful to the person who got this for me.

Since I had some time on my hands the past day or two, I worked on finishing the first of my mom's pedicure socks. I feel the need to say that someone is going to have to take these from me after the second one is finished and give them to my mom. Otherwise they will not make it to her. The pattern works perfectly for the yarn and the color is really pretty. They are also so comfy! It was a bit weird casting off with a sock. I've never casted-off in the round. I'm playing with the idea of attaching a toe cover onto them so they are multi-functional. I think I'll make the second sock and then decided base upon how much yarn I have left.

Last night was the first Hanukkah celebration of the season. There were lots of Latkes and Dreidel playing. Our Dreidel was a bit dysfunctional, but it served its purpose. Did I mention the Latkes? YUMMY! I kept stuffing my face with them. I am so down for any holiday that serves fried foods, but one that celebrates fried potatoes is even better in my book!

After dinner, we worked-off our Latkes with some Wii action. I swear folks, one of these days someone is going to get carpal tunnel from this thing. I wasn't half-bad at Tennis and Table Tennis however I ROCKED Sword Fighting. Yes, I'm very proud of this accomplishment. At one point we connected the Wii to the internet and I tried checking out Rav. (I'm a special kind of knitting geek.) Come on, what else does one do when taking a break from playing Wii? Unfortunately, Rav didn't like my password so I didn't get a chance to geek-out a bit. (At least not at that moment.)

Despite any moaning and groaning I've done and mixed emotions I may feel about this time of year at the end of the day I do enjoy the holidays - for the most part. It's a hard balance for me. One of my favorite things about this time of year is looking at the lights adorning local homes. They can be so pretty. There is one house that has what I call "the gum-drops." I call them that because that's what their bushes look like with lights around them. One of these days I need to take a picture. (You'd totally agree.) I'm sad about this year's questionable house. I really, really, really want to like it, but I can't. It's such a nice house, but . . . Granted, it isn't as bad as this one house that basically throws-up lawn decorations for every season/occasion possible, but still, this one is a close second. If you saw this you would think the same as I. "It's like Pokeman cards." I just don't understand. Last time I was in the area I took another swing by thinking I was too quick to judge. A friend of mine even had to check it out because I was perplexed by it so much. Yeah, Pokeman - for both of us. Oh well! Can't win 'em all, can ya!?

Keeping with the holiday kick I seem to be on . . . With my last sock club shipment came a second pattern for a Christmas Stocking. When I pulled it out I just stared at it and wondered what the hell I was going to do with it. Now, if it was a few years ago and I was still celebrating Christmas with the ex's fam I would have totally whipped one of those puppies up in a heartbeat - maybe even two. Actually I probably would have been running to get yarn the minute I opened the shipment. However, that wasn't the case. I've tossed around a few alternate uses such as:

• Use it as a Swift holder (which Hanukkah Hannah will be bring me this year); or

• Fill it up with Dreidels and Hannukah Gelt; or

• Reduce the size and making it a place to store my Menorah (Hanuka).

In all seriousness, I will probably make a stocking just for the experience of it - you never know when it will come in handy. I have a huge thing of worsted that I got from a friend that would work just perfectly.

That's all for now, I guess. I have to decide how I plan to proceed with my day - so many options, so little time.

Until later . . .


To All That Celebrate . . .




Digital Remains

The other day I was searching for a file on my computer. As I was wading through the many possible pathways I came across many files I could just simply trash. And, trash them I did. The more I could purge from my hard drive the better!

Most of the things I found weren't a surprise to me. A quick Word file here and there with notes I had needed to document at a particular point in time, a cropped picture that wasn't needed anymore; you know, the usual crap. However, when I came across chat logs spanning a time period of the three to four years . . . well, let's just say that got my attention.

This was especially intriguing when you consider the fact that I haven't use the program in question for a good two/three years now. Like hieroglyphics in the Egyptian pyramids, these digital remains told a story that went back to what seems like the beginning of time (or at least in my world) and built a bridge to my present.

So there I was, with a long, long, long list of chat logs holding my history and painting a picture of the past. I considered trying to quantify the number of files that were actually there, but I knew better. (Let's just to say there are many.)

I gazed at the list of contacts with amazement. It was unreal. There were names that I swear were part of a different lifetime. But my proof that it was part of this lifetime stared me straight in the face. It was odd, I have changed computers twice since the last time I used the program, yet they were still with me. Surely they had gotten lost along the way, right!? Apparently not. Apparently when I said to transfer everything on my hard drive to the computer I have now that is what happened. I did a quick check before parting with the old unit, but apparently not an in-depth check. All I cared about back then was that my important documents hadn't gotten lost along the way and making sure certain programs had found there way onto this unit. Oh, and deleting the information from the other computer.

The next decision - what to do with these artifacts of the past. Try to read them all? Dump 'em and forget the past as life is about concentrating on the future? Settled for a compromise? Being the "look back in the rear review mirror" gal that I am, I started reading a few of the conversations. I picked and choose a few different contacts. My emotions and feeling about this were mixed. However, none of those feeling ever entered the world of sadness thankfully. The best way to describe it was a strong sense of amazement. Amazed to see how connections have changed over time. Amazement just knowing where those connections stand now. Amazement leaving me wondering how things got from point a-to-b in a blink of an eye.

Currently, I still have the traces of the past on my computer. It's just been a couple of days since I've started this particular journey. There is a hell of a lot more to read. I'm sure it will be an interesting ride. Whatever the final fate of these files is I know that I won't make the decision in haste. This is not just another random file. This is my history.

Until later . . .


Noodle Latke

• "Every state has corruption. In Illinois we just embrace it."

• Winding Yarn is the new Cardio

• Babysitter of the year?

• First cold of the year - in more ways than one!

• I Squared

• "As you get older boring is good."

• How hard can naming something really be?

• If there was no drama in life would life still be interesting?

• Finally, we found the straw that broke the camel's back

• Snowball Fight!!!

• Going cold turkey - sort of

• Too many "ifs"

• Peppermint . . . YUMMY!

• I love holidays that promote fried foods!!!

Until later . . .


Swap Mom

The Official Sock Yarn Blankie Square Count for December 8, 2009:

Squares Needed: 736

Squares Knit and Stitched Together: 312
(A shout out to JP for pointing out that this number honors "Sweet Home Chicago"!)

Remaining Squares Needed: LOTS! In real numbers 424

This is what 312 square looks like:


The day before Thanksgiving I bought a lot of yarn to swap for this project. KP said it was a bold move on my part. That it made a statement that I was committed to finishing this puppy. Yeah, I guess. Honestly, I think I was bored and enticed by the super cheap price of the yarn. Ok, ok, that wasn't the case. Seriously, I have just gotten to a place with this project where I wanted to know for sure I would finish it. Also, I have a second one of these things to complete - this yarn will not go to waste!

The amount of yarn I bought will yield 300 squares. That will put blankie at 612 square. This is not counting the swap yarn I have coming to me from out-standing swaps (about 80 squares) and any donations made from one of my many generous donors. It's also not counting any yarn I have for larger squares. So, all said and done I have the yarn to complete at least one of these. Now I just need to knit swap it all out and then knit it all up by next November!

As much as I enjoy swapping, it's a whole process of its own - whether you are a swap mom or just a swapper.

From the Swappers' Perspective:

Swaps for this project fill up quickly. The number of swaps one can be in is limitless - as long as you get your yarn to the swap mom within the time allotted.

Once you're in, it's now time to make the minis. First you have to cake the yarn. Then make the mini-skeins.

Depending on your swap mom, you may need to weigh the minis to make sure they are the correct weight - typically 5 or 10 grams. If you do it this way, then you need a decent kitchen scale. However, some swap moms are cool with approximate weights. In that case, it's a matter of dividing the yardage of the yarn evenly between 20 swappers. If you've never done this before it can be stressful. I mean come on, how many of us have tools to measure out yards of yarn. Over the past six months I think I've used binders, books, rulers and pieces of cardboard to measure minis out. Then finally, KP made two knitty knotties. It has been a g-d sent! (Thank you KP!)

Making mini-skeins the first couple of times is fun. Then it can get redundant. Oh, and don't forget your labels for each mini - name of the swap, type of yarn, colorway, fiber content.

Lastly, once you've hanked your minis and put your labels on it's time to get the trusty ziplock bag. Don't forget to put your name, address, RAV ID and name of swap on the bag. KP likes to put the number of minis she's submitting to the swap as she sends 19 (holding hers back rather than sending it with all the others). Some do the same; others not. All personal preference. After that is all said and done, it's time to get your self-addressed stamped envelope ready and then the envelope they will be sent it. Make sure all the postage is good. You'd hate to have the yarn not make it to the swap mom or worse not make it back to you, right!?

Have I turned you off to swapping yet?

From the Swap Mom's Perspective:

I stopped counting how many swaps I've coordinated. It's been that many.

I enjoy coordinating swaps. I get to play with ExCel spreadsheets, see what everyone is sending in and most importantly I get to meet a lot of new people I would have not otherwise really interacted with. However, it is time consuming to corridnate a swap.

First you have to decide what type of swap it is - brand specific, color specific, free for all, LYS qualify, Big Box quality (just to name a few possibilities). Next name your swap. Then comes the rules. Remember when putting together your rules to have enough rules to guide people, but not so many that they are overwhelmed. Oh, yeah, remember that you are the swap mom so you have to enforce the rules, within reason - flexibility is a good thing - so make sure you are comfortable with them. Now it's time to promote your swap. Once the swap is up and going checking the boards constantly for people wanting to play is helpful. Also you have to be in constant communication with your swappers.

(Tired yet? Because I'm just getting started!)

So, you get the point - swapping on either end of the coin is a lot of work. At the end of the day it is totally worth it. KP periodically mentions that once hers is done she won't know what to do. There will be this hole. I completely concur with that comment. However, something tells me I won't get to that point for awhile. :D

Until later . . .


Sweet Melody

I'm blown-away every time.

Every time I hear Cantor D sing that is. I've known Cantor D for at least 8 years now. It's hard to believe I knew him before he was a Cantor. I have to admit, it seems just like yesterday he was sending me the mp3 tracks he would be submitting for his final Cantorial Selections. I remember pressing play and thinking "Seriously!? This is Cantor D singing?" (I shouldn't have been surprised. He did sing at BFF's wedding. However, it was BFF's wedding so my mind was more on BFF then anything else.) I sat in my chair and closed my eyes taking in the beautiful songs that were coming out of my speakers.

The first time I heard Cantor D sing live (well, at least remember) was this summer. It was my own fault it wasn't sooner. He had moved back the summer prior, but I was in another place and time at that point. It would take me almost a year to finally accept one of his periodic invitations to attend a Shabbos service.

It was a lovely August evening and services were being held in the congregation's outside meeting area. A very tranquil place if I do say so myself. Shamefully, I was late. I blame all the construction that was taking place, but I also hadn't timed the drive well either. I took my seat and opened my prayer book to the appropriate page. Not too long after my arrival Cantor D began to sing.

OMG! I was memorized. Even on an "average" Friday evening, Cantor D sang with such grace and beauty that had come from my speakers a few years prior. I was paralyzed (in a good way of course!). That particular evening, I was also fortunate enough to hear Cantor D give Shabbos sermon. It was a reflection piece he had written a few years prior about his time in Israel. I had goose bumps and a few alligator tears ran down my cheeks. I had heard about all that he spoke of in bits and pieces over the years, and even read the blogs from which the main portion of his sermon originated. However, it took on a different form to hear him speak the words of that experience rather than read them on a flat computer screen. Emotioncons don't quite have the same impact as vocal inflection.

Last night Cantor D's congregation had their annual Cantorial Concert to raise money for their charity of choice. I was amongst a group of guests Cantor D had invited to the concert. Again, I sat in awe of Cantor D as he sang. This time we were in the main sanctuary so the melody was illuminated even more than my prior visits. At one point I closed my eyes so I could appreciate the amazing sounds around me. I felt as though I was in a great concert hall. My thoughts began to wander and I realize that it isn't so far-fetched to believe that one day I would be listening to Cantor D in a great concert hall. He surely has the potential.

If you haven't guessed, I'm a "Cantor Fan." (Just one of many.) I'm very proud of my friend. But he is not only my friend, he is my Cantor. I know it sounds funny to say, but to some extent I see him as the trusted clergy I've turned too for counsel as well as friendship.

Though he's only officially been a Cantor for a few years now, his road to this point-in-time has not always been easy. Maybe that is what makes this music even that much more beautiful for me. The road he has taken is much like the one we all take. Sort of like the Yellow Brick Road, in the "Wizard Of Oz." A road filled with sunshine, but also obstacles in our way that we must over come only to find that when we meet the great wizard the answers to our struggles (whatever they may be) have been with us the whole time - deep within. The answers that inevitably take us home.

It is my believe, that at this time, Cantor D has found his home at his congregation in the Chicagoland area. And until he decides that this is no longer home, and needs to follow the next road, I will take advantage the opportunity to see him perform live whenever possible.

Until later . . .



My first trip out to Indiana was around this time two years ago. I was with the ex and honestly I didn't want to go. However, I had many good reasons to make the trip. It was a very eye-opening visit which confirmed a lot of my beliefs about the area. Though this was the case, as I mentioned above I really didn't want to be out there so I was so happy when we finally made our way back to Iowa.

I didn't even consider going near the Indiana area until I had to pass through a little less than a year later for work. I was happy to just be passing by. I hadn't forgotten my first visit which still held very strong feelings. On my way back, I was happy to see the signs that showed I'd be in Iowa in no time.

This spring/summer I was in Indiana on a few occasions. This time I wasn't even thinking about the first visit. Wow! How things had changed. However, I still hearted the cornfields of Iowa more.

Tonight, I went to Indiana - again! This time I was excited. On my way home, my first visit floated in and out of my mind. I chuckled inside. Indiana didn't upset me anymore. Instead of getting an aching sensation about my initial intuition about Indiana as I had in the past, I smiled. And, to add to the humor of it all, I've kind of grown fond of Indiana and I'm getting to know the place more and more with each visit out there.

All this said, I was still happy to see the signs pointing to Iowa. Though it has blemishes of its own, it's a happy place. It's home.

Until later . . .

Child's Play

"Ring around the rosey;
Pocket full of . . ."

Posie Yarn


"Ashes; ashes we all fall down!"

Picture compliments of KP



Aside from the blankie update, even I start to wonder if I actually knit anymore. Part of my reluctance to writing about what's on the needles and such is that I don't have any pictures and that is part of the fun of those posts. (I still haven't located my second card reader and won't buy a new one until I'm absolutely sure that I can't find it. Oh, and I can't find the cord that hooks-up to my camera either so retrieving pictures that way is out as well.)

So here goes nothing . . .

Fingerless Mitts:

I was literally outside just a matter of seconds and my fingers began to go numb. Overnight, temps have plummeted and winter has arrived with a vengeance. What does this mean for me? I need to get serious about making a pair of fingerless mitts.

I attempted about a month ago to make a pair from the Dead Blue yarn, but the pattern was poorly written. I still have the awesome purple, hand spun yarn Spinner made me that I think might have better fingerless mitt karma. Now I just need to find the right pattern!

February Lady Sweater:

The yarn was purchased and is all caked. I even have buttons - sorta. Now, I just need to swatch. It turns I just made this whole process harder for myself when I decided to purchase Alpaca for this project. I was warned that Alpaca grows immensely once washed and blocked. So, I will need to account for that and make appropriate accommodations. Crap Monkey! I have to admit that it has helped delay the start of this project.

In an effort to avoid extra work, I went onto the Rav group for the yarn manufacture I am using and reached out to those that have used the yarn to see how much it really grows because it is a 50/50 blend of Alpace and Merino. The first responses were to look-up who has made that sweater out of the yarn and ask them. Damn it! That takes extra effort. Ok, that's a task for another day!

Bottom line to all this is that I don't want to make a sweater that is going to be huge on me.


I have what resembles a sock on the needles. A pedicure sock to be exact. It's my mom's b-day present. After I got the yarn color approved by her I casted-on. I decided to create a checker board pattern. The pattern and the yarn colors are awesome! I love them so much I may have to find a way to keep them for myself . . . Or, I guess I could make myself a pair - eventually.

I also have a sock for my niece on needles right now. She is excited about this! Yes, her cuteness wore me down over the Thanksgiving holiday and I told her I was making her a pair of socks. (Damn kids and their cuteness!)

BFF's birhtday socks haven't been forgotten either. I've discussed this with BFF so we're cool.

Yarn Dying:

Last but not least, I dyed yarn for a swap. It's so PRETTY! I mean love this yarn so much. (This is one thing I can add a picture for.) Below was my inspiration for the yarn my latest and great yarn dying adventure:

(As found on a web site by Bruce Buck)

The picture of the actual yarn will be up with the other pics in the near future!

After listing all this out (and these are only the things I can remember on the spot) I think I need to take a week in December and just lock myself in my place and finish all my outstanding projects so I can start the new year with a clean knitting slate. Now you can see why I tried to stay a monogamous knitter. I'm not one to cheat.

Since that's all I can remember for now, all that is left to say is that hopefully I will have pictures soon!

Until later . . .


Don't Push Send

• Once it's out there, it's out there

• Mom vs. child - Mom seems to always win

• Home Sweet Home!

• "It's like Pokeman cards."

• "A special kind of asshole."

"Somebody's Watching Me"

• Browniegate

• Yes, the fresh cranberries made them "healthy"

• As long as I get my yarn I don't care who signs for it

• "i have more colorful language i could use, but i'd probably lose my google account over it somehow. :P"

• Twenty years and no fights

• I think I'm starting to make them a bit nervous . . .

• Yes! One more person has drank the Kool Aid! On to the next victim . . .

• H1N1 - To get the vaccine or not get the vaccine, that is the question

Until later . . .


Another Milestone

The Official Sock Yarn Blankie Square Count for December 1, 2009:

Squares Needed: 736

Squares Knit and Stitched Together: 300

Remaining Squares Needed: LOTS! In real numbers 436

I was browsing some of my earlier posts about blankie. When all this Blankie madness started back in May. It was funny to see how excited I was about 12 squares. Then 20-some. Now I'm at 300. I'm sure I will be saying that when blankie hits 400, 500, 600 and 700 squares. I am told blankie will grow to a size that will not be portable. Yeah, I don't think so! I will make it happen!

As anticipated, just using this as a lap blanket during the colder weather has made a difference. Actually, it covers me up very nicely when I'm curled up watching tv. Makes me look forward to the day I finish it even THAT much more. I'm sure a lot of this is repetitious of things I've said before, but it still hold true.

Until later . . .
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