

Just Jump

Sometimes I wonder how many people pay to go sky diving and then once they are 13,000 feet up in the air don't do it. It has to happen - right!?

Lately, I feel like I'm one of those people. I've paid for the jump, have the suit and gear on and I'm kneeling on the edge just moments away from a potentially exciting and life changing experience. However, I can't seem to arch my back, push myself forward and let go of the "oh shit bar" affixed above me.

I know all the reasons why I should jump and all the reasons why I don't want too. I have reviewed them time-and-time-and-time again. I've even confessed everything to my priestess - BFF. Still it doesn't help.

My window of opportunity is quickly passing me by. Before I know it the pilot will need to bring the plane down so they can refuel and take the next load up. A load with someone else braver than I.

I have to admit I'm a bit disappointed in myself. For all the strides I've made over the past years I've never felt so frozen. Never so scared to try for something so simple.

So here I am . . . kneeling . . . hoping that I will just jump and see where the ride takes me.

Until later . . .

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