

Another One For The Books

In a few hours 2009 will be finished. And, so will this decade.

For the past week or so I had been planning to do a bit of a look back at the past 10 years of this new century, but earlier today as I put the finishing touches on post I changed my mind. Though I believe it's important to look back, and this is the natural time to do so, I've decided that now is not time to publish this particular finished product. I will instead keep it in my drafts for further consideration, and tweaking, for publishing at a later date.

What I will say on this last evening of 2009 is that I have learned a lot this year (as it appears I do every year). I've learned about life, people and most importantly about myself. I am glad for these lessons and hope to apply them going forward.

As for a New Year's resolution - there is only one. Too be the best version of me possible everyday. I already know there will be days that I will grossly fail at this, but I aim to make those days the exception; not the expectation.

With that in mind there is only one thing left to say -

Until later . . .

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