

I'm Just Me

• "You wished me dead.. I mean really, it isn't like a love fest around here tonight."

• "I plan to make my family suffer through the reading of my will by making them sit through an extraordinarily specific and painfully detailed listing of whom my stash and knitting supplies go to before addressing the division of financial assets and property. The most important things come first!"

• Sock Wars vs. Iron Knitter

• They screwed up my meal and everyone benefited, but me - how does that work out?

• Google Wave = Overrated (FAIL!)

• The glasses make the woman

• H6N1 is coming and it's bigger and badder than H1N1

• Why 6? Why not 3 or 8?

• "I felt like a yarn dealer."

• Our Sabbath Year

• Mint Chip . . . Peppermint . . . Smores . . . I will take one of each!

• "It's mini-McEnroe!"

• But the yarn is for me, so why do you say I need to get something for me?

• Almost five years to see the ending of the movie . . . Talk about anti-climactic.

Until later . . .

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