

Some Of My Favorite Things

I'm straying from my "normal" Wednesday post.

Julie Andrews sang about her favorite things in the movie, "The Sound of Music." Oprah celebrates here favorite things by dedicating a full show to them. This week, I am posting a few of mine on my modest little blog.

My Family

This is a shocking one for a lot of people, but it's true. For all the good, bad, ugly and drama they bring I love my family so much. The thing I love most is that we really do rally for one another at the end of the day.

My Friends

Or, my extended family. This includes my knitting peeps. I have the best group of friend EVER. There are specific individuals I could point out, but I'm not going to because I'm afraid of missing someone.

G-d's warped sense of humor

Yeah . . . Life is filled with randomness. Sometimes that randomness is just very warped. However, I am thankful for the warped sense of humor. It turned out to be a good thing.

Auntie Froggie

Let me tell you, there is nothing like having a 4- and 2- year-old running towards you filled with enthusiasm shouting out your name. Ok, well in this case my name is Auntie Froggie. It is such a wonderful thing that I had to tell my auntie about it and how I now know how she must feel to hear me say, "Auntie L."

Small, Medium, Large, E and M

There are more little ones that I enjoy being around. I really like being "Miss F" to Small, Medium and Large . . . and I love that they think of me as their friends too - it's cute.

As for E and M - I wish I could see them more, but when I do I'm happy. They grow so much between visits it's crazy!

Knitted Socks

I lose machine made socks like it's going out of style. Granted there is a purpose for them (I'm not about to take an 8 mile walk in knitted socks). That said, knitted socks are just a little piece of heaven that I think everyone should experience.


It took being away from my home to truly appreciate it.

Sky Diving

Yeah, I know this is not a shocker. However, how could I not put this on my list of favorite things!? It is my hope int he next year or so that I will get my license to jump on my own.

A Sense of Adventure

Sky diving isn't the only thing I have lined-up to do in 2010. There are a few new things to try . . . hopefully including a very special trip I've been wanting to take for sometime.


Who doesn't love cupcakes!?

My view of the world


Yeah, I'm more about warmer weather than the cold stuff.

Techy Stuff

I'm a special kind of techy geek!


Did you really think I was going to leave that out?

Until later . . .

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