

On The Surface

On the surface, it may appear knitting groups are just a group of individuals sitting around talking about yarn and patterns. Showing off their latest project and accomplishments and plotting future fibrous conquests.

It's been less than 48 hours since my friend's house burnt down and the troops have rallied. A Paypal account is being establish to take donations, a needs list has been established and is being distributed. Other special surprises are in the works. Messages are flying back and forth on Facebook and lots of brainstorming has taken place through out the day. At knitting group today, no one was talking about yarn. Instead the conversation centered around trying to figure out what could been done to help one of our own.

On the surface, it may appear knitting groups are just a group of individuals sitting around talking about yarn and patterns. Showing off their latest project and accomplishments and plotting future fibrous conquests.

In reality, knitting groups are so much more. It is a time in which a community is being a built and established. The bonds of friendship are being formed and the foundation of support laid.

Today, and in the days to come, we come together to take care of one of our own as if it were us going through this unfortunate turn of event that has come to pass because beyond the surface we are bound by the fiber that bring us together in the first place.

Until later . . .

1 comment:

Melissa said...

it's nice that your knitting group is such a community and so supportive of one another!

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