

And In The End

The life of someone I love very much will be ending soon. (Or, at least that is what I am anticipating unless a miracle arises.) A family member.

A few weeks ago I got the news that they had been checked into the hospital and last I had heard they were getting better. However, the news is different today. At the end of the day things don't look good.

Though reality is staring me right in the face, I have to admit I'm still in denial a bit. This loss will leave a void in my life. Each of my family members plays a role in my life and this person has not been an exception. They have always been one of the greatest sources of hope and optimism for me during times when mine was dwindling.

One of my favorites things about them is their spunk and vigor. They where never afraid to just ask the questions no one else would ever dare ask. And, they just asked it. No sugar coating the question. Truth be told, I actually admired this quality.

I hope their final days are peaceful ones. I hope they realize how much I loved them and the lasting impact they have made in my life.

Until later . . .

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