

Pot. Kettle. Black.

• Why does the pot always pretend to not be similar to the kettle? Seriously!

• Outside the box. Totally outside the box!

• Chocolate milk - need I say more?

• Passover Pancakes?

• A frog keychain with a LED light . . . Ribbit!

• Second 1: Huh? Second Two: Oh! Second Three: Eww . . .

• How is one to leave you a message when the answering machine keeps cutting them off?

• Gas Station Dancing

• "It does - period!" "It doesn't - exclamation point."

• It's as though they never saw someone in a dress and heels before.

• Bias

• "The sun is out today, I plan to think in a positive manner until otherwise needed."

• Found everything, BUT what I was looking for.

• Tempting. So, freakin' tempting!

Until later . . .

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