

Testing. Testing. 1. . . 2 . . . 3 . . .

Is this thing on? Of course it is. It just hasn't been as active as it usually is.

Ok, I know this is a cliché way to start a post, once again, acknowledging my absence from the blogosphere, but I think it's at least a little more interesting than, "Yeah, I know. I've been a special kind of absent lately."

This weekend:

• Was semi-busy/semi-relaxing which I believe is the balance I keep saying I'm searching for. (At least that is the mindset I'm going to take at this moment in time.)

• A trip that normally takes me an hour took me two hours. I'm sure the four stops along the way added to the delay.

• I learned that people look at you in an odd manner if you go to the library all dressed up. Does no one stop at the library on the way to a party?

• I decided to take a break from my virtual world to some extent. It's nice to take a step back and enjoy the real world a bit. Don't you think?

Recently I decided that spring cleaning is not only about purging things out of your physical space, but also out of your virtual world as well. It's amazing how messy and disorganized it can get. Surprisingly it also has many facets to it. I seem to find new places that need cleaning everyday. So now there is a little more hard-drive space that has been cleared in this realm of my life. Not enough, but it's a start!

Until later . . .

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