

Someone Who "Gets Me"

As part of my fabulous Sock Wars death package I got Yarn Harlot, Stephanie Pearl-McPhee's book "The Secret Life of a Knitter." Really nice if you ask me. I've always told people I hope that when I die I do so peacefully. In the game of Sock Wars, this was a very peaceful death.

Now, as excited as I was to get the book I wasn't elated. I wasn't a Yarn Harlot follower at the time. I was more on the Crazy Aunt Purl side of the blogging world. So, when KP got wind of this gift, she asked me if she could borrow it when I was done. I was so happy to give it to her that I let her read it first. Honestly, I wasn't sure I was going to read it at all. Then I read a blog post by KP about the book. This prompted me to venture to the Yarn Harlot's blog and do some lurking.

It wasn't my first time on the Yarn Harlot blog. I had spent some time there looking at some of her free patterns. I might have also glanced at a post or two as well. However, during my lurking session I did find a few posts that intrigued me enough to add the url to my RSS feed. It also prompted my desire to get my book back just a tad bit more.

Last night, I got my book back. First, I feel the need to say that I like that the book is more individual stories compiled into a book rather than a continuous plot driven story. So, if you want to skip around you are more than welcome too. On this particular evening I found myself fascinated with the stories about what I like to call "Stash Management."

I'm not going to get into details since I don't want to ruin it for anyone who wishes to read the book - and that means I won't have to put a spoiler warning on it as well. What I will say is that if you are knitter you will most likely find something in this book that will appeal to you and event strike a cord - or two. If you are the loved one of a knitter, the significant other of a knitter or just wanting to know more about this craziness I highly recommend this book as well.

And, last, but not least, to the Yarn Harlot I say thank you for speaking for the rest of us. Your word ring so true.

Until later . . .

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