


For sometime now I have noticed a change of focus for this blog.

It's gone from a crafting blog to more of a personal diary of sorts. This isn't a bad thing, it's just an observation. Obviously, I still talk about yarn, knitting and all sorts of other crafting goodness, but after the addition of the Thursday Blog Project there was no denying the shift.

I think part of the reason this has changed has to do with where I am right now. There is lots of change going on in my life and with it many thoughts passing through my head that need an outlet. Now, it's not like I don't have people in my life to talk to about these changes, but they are also coming out via this blog. Sometime when I write things out I learn more then if I talk it through. I also figure if I'm thinking these things maybe someone else is as well. So, yes, the world and beyond gets to learn all about my innermost thoughts - all at the click of a button if they so wish. (Or, at least the ones I allow to play out there.)

All this change in the entry content has got me thinking about my domain name and what more I can do with having a url. Froggie still knits, but not like crazy as she once did. Or, at least my focus has been on one project in particular - blankie. G-d knows what will happen once that project is out of my life for good - yeah, I'm talking in 2012 once the blankie for my mom is finished. I think this is one of the time a life decoder ring would be helpful! I may have more finished objects at that point.

The ideal domain costs approximately $2800 to register (annually). So, if you wish to contribute towards that you are more than welcome. Otherwise, I don't see that being a reality unless I win the lottery. So, step one of this "re-branding" process will be to decide what I want my new url to be and then register it. Then, I believe learning some coding might be in store so I can shape the look as I see fit. Lastly, finding a better hosting solution that allows me to expand the domain would be great. Free hosting is nice, don't get me wrong. However, it just gets you the bare minimum and once you outgrow that it comes time to put on the big blog panties and pony-up the necessary cash. (Unless you work in the industry or have the right connections. Then you can get the fancy hosting for free.)

I'm not sure how long this project will take or when I will even find the time to start it, but by just mentioning it I feel as though I'm starting to lay the blueprints which is a step in the right direction. Or, at least I think so. Until that happens, I believe things on this site from a site perspective will stay status quo. From a content perspective, I assume things will change as I change. As things in my life get "rebranded" through the changes going on. One thing is for things are evolving here at froggie knits like crazy!

Until later . . .

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