

The Calm Before

Here I am.


Sitting on my sofa blogging.

It's the eve of a chaotic week and I'm blogging instead of tending to the many things left to do. And yes, I spent the weekend having fun instead of getting ready for the upcoming week.

I keep telling myself that I'll be getting up early tomorrow so I will be fine . . . HA! I can't remember the last time I dragged myself out of bed early without a fight. I guess that means I should probably set my alarm about half an hour earlier than I really want to get up. Tomorrow is definitely a caffeinated morning.

Instead of wrapping-up all the little details and, dare I say, go to sleep "early" I'm thinking about non-sense:

• Who will be at the party?

• What knitting project is most important?

• Where is the other shoe?

• When will I start training for the 5K?

• Why is my card reader holding my pictures hostage?

• How much longer will my plants stay alive?

I have to say all things considering, I'm more organized and much farther ahead of myself than I usually am. It's starting to freak me out a bit. Hope this minimizes the last minute craziness.

Guess it's time to accept the calm has passed. Time to finish up for the evening and make my way into the storm.

Until later . . .

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