

They're Taking Over

The Official Sock Yarn Blankie Square Count for November 3, 2009:

Squares Needed: 736

Squares Knit and Stitched Together: 235

Remaining Squares Needed: LOTS! In real numbers 501

They're everywhere! The minis have taken over my home. Or, should I say what's left of the minis have taken over my home. I did a stash reorganization last week to make room for said minis. I couldn't handle having them all over the place. So, I kicked my sock yarn stash and some of my other "good" yarns out of the ottoman. They soon found a new home in my cedar chest. Actually, I kind of prefer it be in there as the chest did come with a $500 moth insurance policy. That is how confident the manufacture is that it will prevent moth damage! I think $500 would be just about right should something happen to my yarn. (Sidenote: Thinking of the $500 policy always makes me smile because this was originally my grandmother's cedar chest that she got when my grandparents got married sometime in the 1930's. $500 back then was HUGE! Now, it covers the cost of sock yarn . . .) Any mini-like yarn now resides in the ottomon along with any incoming swap packages (I couldn't stand having them spread out all over my dining room table.

I've basically knit into my blankie all the minis I have so what now takes up residence in the pad are scraps for mom's blanket . . . and scraps of mini leftovers. I don't know if there will be an update for next week as I have no new minis to add to blankie. So, unless the yarn G-ds shower my home with more minis it looks like I'll be giving some tlc to my mom's blanket. (Not like this is a bad thing mind you.)

Until later . . .

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