

Scent Provoking

I got new shampoo the other night. I was at Costco and saw some shampoo that boasted the magic words (at least magic words to me) - "Anti-Frizz." It's like that line in the movie Jerry Maguire, "You had me at hello." I didn't care what it cost I had to have it. Ok, I take that back, I did care what it cost, but considering it was bulk I rationalized the purchase as I barely spend anything for shampoo and conditioner. Upon getting the first glob of shampoo out of the bottle I smelled what I can only equate to a Jolly Racher scent. I can't figure out which one, but there is serious Jolly Racherness going on there. Next, I used my inexpensive conditioner so I could insure some softness. That smelled like a Strawberry Creamsaver (I could nail that scent anytime!). It brought a smile to my face.

As September winded down, I anticipated October to be not so great. Man, was I wrong. Like the scent of my anti-frizz shampoo, what I got was not what I expected. It wasn't all a "rock star" month, but it's was a lot better than anticipated. Since October, I've been living in somewhat ideal circumstances. However, like all good things, it will come to an end. Reality will soon set in and I have to face that. In all honesty, I'm not looking forward to it - who would!?

All said and done, I've enjoy the little taste of this Strawberry Creamsaver world I've been living in. It makes me wish I could take up permanent residency. However, as the saying goes "All good things must come to an end." (At least in my world that seems to be the case.) At this time I feel the need to express that I'm thankful that the stars, the moon and the sun aligned all at the same time to present me with another open door at the time when one had closed. It has afforded me new experiences and the opportunity to do things I would have otherwise not. It has afforded me comfort in many ways unimaginable.

I hope that this door doesn't close anytime soon. However, when it does close I hope the next open door isn't too far down the road and it will take me to a land filled with as many sweet scents as I currently reside.

Here's the part I hate . . . only time will tell what will be. So, until then I guess I'll just have to enjoy the scents that fill my home as I wash my hair.

The delicious combination of Jolly Rachers and Creamsavers - Yummy!

Until later . . .

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