

Three Days

• "I'm basking in the cuteness of my socks."

• Property Retrieval - Who knew it would be so complex

• Five pairs of socks. Yes, five pairs of socks!

• Peanut Butter and Jelly Ice Cream???

• Creepy is as creepy does

• "I'm sorry but I'm not allowed to have that conversation."

• They are just glasses . . .

• Time and Patience

• Flyin' off the shelf like hot cakes

• Rain is better than snow. Rain is better than snow. Rain is better than snow.

• The storm is about to hit

• I didn't realize it was Friday the 13th until after it happened - that explains everything, right!?

• There is no place like home

• So many words, but they won't come out constructively

Until later . . .

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