

It's That Time Of Year

As my birthday nears I start getting the question I dread - What do you want for your birthday?

Until the very last moment I stall on this questions because . . . Well, sometimes the things I want are just too expensive and I'd never expect people to buy these things for me. Other times, I really don't know what to tell people.

This year, my hesitation centers around the fact that the things I want can't be purchased and wrapped . . .

- I want to know my friend with breast cancer will be ok.

- I want my friend's husband to find a job that will make him happy and they will be happy and that their family will be ok.

- I want assurances that can't be given.

- I want peace - so many forms of peace I can't list them out.

(Do you see a theme here?)

My other problem with this question is that if someone were to get me a gift, I want it to be something they get because they thought it would be something I'd like or remembered me mentioning. Off the top of my head I can think of at least three things that have been given to me that way. Actually, I take that back - five things. All have stories behind them I'll never forget. Regardless of the number, the point is that the gifter knew they'd be things that would make me happy and put a smile on my face. They knew it was something I wanted (or something that I'd like), but for one reason or another didn't get for myself. It showed me that they were truly thinking of me.

Maybe, that's the whole point. It's not what you get, it's the fact that you put thought into it.

Until later . . .


Melissa said...

i'm curious about the stories behind these gifts now. :)

Anonymous said...

blog stalker at your service....mhuuhaaaa.....rav=halloweentango

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