

Just An Update - Update

The Official Sock Yarn Blankie Square Count for November 17, 2009:

Squares Needed: 736

Squares Knit and Stitched Together: 263

Remaining Squares Needed: LOTS! In real numbers 473

I bite off more than I can chew - in most parts of my life - this project is no exception. Two blankets!? What the hell was I thinking? I'm sure it will be just fine. Right now it just seems like I won't be able to reach the end of this mammoth project let alone finish it next November. Guess time will tell!

Until later . . .

1 comment:

Mom of many said...

Just thinkin here.. you started this project in the middle of May. It is the middle of November now, so that is 6 months. You have about 250 squares done. You need about 500 more. So you average 250 every 6 months. In 12 months, at your current pace you will have 500 more squares. I used rounded numbers to make the math easy, but I think you will finish this project, if you maintain your current pace. Just thinkin'.

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