

The Little Plants That Could

There is absolutely no reason they are still alive. This is truly bizarre!

Seriously! I'm the first one to admit that if there were a Department of Child and Family Services for plants I would have been reported for plant neglect about three weeks ago. My schedule has been super crazy lately which doesn't allow me to water them as often as they need to be watered. However, when I do go to water them they appear to be thriving - WTF!

Could these plants be as stubborn as I am? How have they held on this long? Does the fact that I'm still attempting to care for them mean I'm secretly optimistic about my ability to care for them? Or, am I just trying to prove that I suck at keeping plants alive and they know my motivates and enjoy proving me wrong?

Hmmmm . . . .

I guess if they make it through the week I'll go to Home Depot or Menards this weekend and get a better setup for them.

Until later . . .

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