

Let's Hear It For The Sheep

One of my all time favorite 80's songs is from the movie Footloose. It's by Denise Williams called, "Let's Here It For The Boy." Today I'm saying "Let's Here It For The Sheep!"

My Dizzy order arrived! After my freak-out about the yardage I had another freak-out about the color. I was concerned I was a special kind of color blind and that I wasn't really getting the purple I thought I was. I was right (sorta).

This is where I start gushing about how much I love Karen and Carl who own The Village Yarn & Fiber Shop.

They are also the faces behind the beloved Dizzy Deals. I had to give Karen and Carl a call so I could pay for the additional hank of yarn. During the conversation I explained that I had been stalking the site for weeks and that it was for my first sweater. . . blah. . . blah. . . blah. . . Carl was happy that they had gotten me a good price on the yarn for my first sweater. As we were waiting for their back-up to finish (Yes, I'm the person who calls just minutes after a store closes to make a purchase) I asked about the color and explained my love of purple. He said that it wasn't exactly purple. "Oh really!?" I thought to myself. That when we got into our extensive conversation about why it's hard to by yarn online (remember to add a disclaimer that says "Colors may look different on your computer screen"). This is when Karen got on the phone. She pulled up the information from the deal to look at the colors offered and tried to describe it to me. "More like a burgundy" is how she put it. Then she offered to cancel the order if I wanted as she could tell I was a bit apprehensive. After careful consideration I decided to move forward with my purchase. Burgundy is a nice color on me so I was sure it would be fine.

Like I said, I got the yarn... OMG! I L-O-V-E this yarn! So, freaking pretty and beautiful!!! And the color, if you ask me it's more like a mix if burgundy and purple. Bottom-line: It's going to be perfect. Next step - Buttons! Because it's me, the button shop has very flexible hours. After that, I'm thinking there will be some gauging commencing. I am very upfront that I don't believe in gauging however with a project like this I believe gauging is the way to go.

Of course I immediately Yelped The Village Fiber and Yarn Shop. If I was getting this kind of service over the phone I can only imagine what it would be like at their shop. Maybe one day, if I'm ever in the East Rochester hood, I'll drop by the shop - with my sweater of course!

Thank you so much Karen and Carl!

Until later . . .

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