

Springing Into Winter

Yesterday and today were lovely Spring days.

So nice that after I ran errands yesterday I changed into a pair of shorts and took a two mile walk. It was such a nice way to end the day and start the evening. Since I got an early start today I took another walk. This time just a little longer - 6 miles. I have to admit I wasn't sure if I still had it in me to make the walk without killing myself as it's been awhile since I stopped walking 40 miles a week. (Yes, you read that right.) I did slow down at the end, but still averaged a 15 minute mile.

One of the things I love about my walks is the time I have to think and clear my head about things going on around me and in my life. G-d knows I need that right now since there is a lot to clear my head of. I've been working hard lately to clear up some loose ends that have been hanging out there for some time. Most of them are all tied up. Except for one large one. Though it has an obvious solution (that is if I have to take action), that is not so desirable to me. So, it will remind loose for another moment in time. Maybe if I try hard enough I can will it to fix itself.

It's sad to think in just 22 days the snow will be here - remember there are three guarantees in life. One of them being the very latest date we can expect snow by.

Winter is not my season. Not even close to it. Which makes the fact that I love to watch snow falls bizarre. It's one of the most peaceful sites if you ask me. To see the streets and sidewalks coated with untainted snow . . . Wow! Just wow!

During winter 2008, when I was taking the crack-ass of dawn (aka 5:30am) train into work, if it was snowing out I would make my way out to the platform 10-15 minutes before the train was expected just so I could enjoy the site of the light coming from the lamps overhead beaming onto the falling snow. The angle at which it hit the snow was breathtaking. I know! It sounds super cheesy and it was a bit chilly, but it was beautiful. It was a site that helped me forget all about my worries and woos. Even for just a brief moment. It still is the site that takes me to a peaceful place. Moments like that are the only reason I look forward to winter. And, this year I look forward to experiencing it from my current view of the world. I'm sure it will be incredible.

Until later . . .

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