

The Time Has Come

My friend with breat cancer will be going into surgery in about 7.5 hours. It's so surreal.

"Everything will be fine. Everything will be fine." That is what I keep repeating to myself. She told me today "she hopes" everything will go well and the cancer won't spread. I wanted to say I'm sure she will be fine. However, I'm not G-d. I can't make that promise. But, I so badly want too.

I still can't believe this is happening to her. If I had to equate how awesome this person is, I'd have to compare her to Joe, who died last July. Maybe that is what freaks me out. If Joe can be taken before his chance for a transplant what is keeping her from being taken. This is where KP and BFF would remind me about faith and trust in G-d's plan. Sigh.

At this point all I can do is wait to hear that the surgery went ok and that it is on to the next step. While I do I will say a prayer for her. If you are spiritual in any way, shape or form, I ask of you to say a prayer for my friend as well. Thank you.

Until later . . .

1 comment:

Wren said...

I will definitely be sending out all my pagan-y good, healing vibes for your friend into the universe. <3

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