

A Birthday. An Epiphany. A Good Cause.

A busy day!

All three of these things I could probably write a full entry about, but I'll speak briefly right now about each of them. Please keep in mind that because I do want to reserve the right to write expanded posts, I probably won't be as detailed now about some things.

Today is my dad's birthday. Twenty years since my dad's passing and I still acknowledge my dad's birthday. Every year I question if this is strange. I think about him every day as it is, but on his birthday it just multiples that much more. I don't go to the cemetery on his birthday as I feel like I should. Sometime I feel as if I'm a bad daughter for not going on his birthday. I know that isn't the case, but it's how I feel. I guess remembering and keeping his spirit with me as I journey through my life is what is most important in the big picture.

I had an interesting epiphany recently. I do plan to write a full entry in the future about this so I won't get into great detail now. I will just say, it's amazing the things we are willing to admit and own when life gives us a little space and we give ourselves permission to be honest with ourselves.

Late 2009 I applied to be a volunteer for organization that connects professionals with non-profits needing help in their given field. Recently, this organization finished its test market research in the world of HR and is beginning to execute HR projects in the Chicagoland area. I have to admit, I'm excited and honored to be part of this new branch of the Chicagoland projects. After my orientation in January I was SO ready to get going, but I wasn't receiving any contacts about projects. "Oh well," I thought. Maybe this wouldn't pan-out after all. It wasn't ideal, but I was fine with it. Last week I received an e-mail about a project someone wanted me to be part of. Not only was I thrilled to be contacted, it was a cause I feel strongly about (and is a important topic of conversation the past couple of days). I learned more about the position I would take on the team and that got me even more excited. Tonight I received another e-mail asking me to be part of another project. Though this is also a worth cause so far my gut is telling me to go with the first one. Tomorrow I will find out more and weigh my options. However, without even knowing what the other project is I would bet dollars to donuts the first project is the way to go. I guess I will find out soon enough!

Wow! All that vague text made me sleepy!

Until later . . .

1 comment:

Melissa said...

That's very exciting about the HR project! I hope everything works out with it the way you want it to!

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