

Final Results

Last night, the closing ceremonies of the 2010 Winter Olympics took place which also marked the end of the 2010 Winter Ravelympics. This means, the final results on my Ravelympics goals are in.

In the beginning I aimed to make two of the Multidirection Scarf pattern. After a lot of false starts, I decided this pattern and I had to part ways. Simply put, there was no love between the two of us. It was a hard thing to do and some tears were shed, but in the end we were both better off.

So, I choose the Drop Stitch Scarf instead. Now it's not a big surprise that I love this scarf. We are very much in love with one another. So, where is the challenge in that? Well, the challenge was I changed direction midway through the games. The result?

Ravelympics Scarf

Ravelympics Scarf Two

There was a blankie goal for the Ravelympics, but I will discuss that tomorrow.

Until later . . .

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