

In The Beginning

Yesterday, BFF wrote about knitting envy on her blog.

In the entry she mentioned how blown away she is by my work and how perfect it looks. It was very flattering, but I have to admit I chuckled a bit. It made me think of when I was just starting out over three years ago. I remember how eager I was to start making something other than practice squares. They were boring to do. I wanted to actually make something. Finally, I decided to make a scarf for a friend of the ex (who was also a friend of mine at the time). I wasn't taking pictures of my work back then so I have nothing to show you, but I can say I worked so hard on that scarf and was very proud of it. Just a two months after I "graduated" to making a blanket. The ex's cousin was having a baby and I would send them proud parents-to-be a baby blanket instead of something off their registry because it was more personal. Oh, I was so proud of that blanket. (Still no picture.) That was the start of my run making blankets. Below is a picture of one of those first blankets:

From a far it doesn't look like there are mistakes. But, up close . . .

Let me give you a little hint, it's not suppose to bell out like it does. Though subtle, there are definitely stitches that are picked up.

I guess what I'm getting at is that we all start somewhere and we all can't be "perfect" right out of the gate. This is just an example of where I started. My work these days is vastly improved however, I know there is more to learn. And, plenty more "beginner" looking finished objects to come.

So, BFF my words to you are to stick with it because one day I know I will be blown away with your work.

Until later . . .

1 comment:

Melissa said...

thanks for the encouragement.

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