

Retracing My Steps

I've completed walking up 78% of a 100 story skyscraper.

Or, in the past two days I've taken 78% of the steps needed to go up a 100 story skyscraper. That is according to the pedometer on my new Nano. After months and months of consideration I finally decided to get the iPod Nano. To go along with it I go one of the Nike+iPod sensors thingies. My goal is to track my progress this coming summer and ideally get to a point where I am running - not walking.

So, I looked at the number of steps I took today. Ten hours after I had picked up my iPod I had taken over 2,400 steps. Wow! I couldn't believe it. How did I get so many. So, I started retracing my steps - literally!

It started with all the running around I did getting my crap together before I left my place today. Then there was the three or four laps I took around the bookstore - and that is after I found what I was looking for. Oh, can't forget the trip to the bakery for some Smiley Face goodness. Lastly there was the two trips to two different grocery stores. As it would be there were steps I took today that weren't recorded on my pedometer. Like the ones that found me running after Medium and later when Medium was chasing me. There was the trip to the mailbox as well. And last, but not at all least, the steps I took to my messenger bag that reminded me I never looked at the strategic plan for my volunteer project or the stack of training hours that need to get entered into my spreadsheet - oops!

Looks like tomorrow's steps will include some to a coffee shop where I can take care of some of those adult responsibilities I keep forgetting.

Until later . . .

1 comment:

Melissa said...

sounds like you don't even need to work out with all the walking you're doing. :)

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