


"One of my favorite parts" of the week is Thursday.

There has always been something about Thursdays. Maybe it's because some of my favorite shows air on Thursday nights. I never did the Thursday night drinking thing - even when I was in college - so I know it's not that. Regardless, I've really looked forward to Thursday the past several weeks because of these Thursday posts my friends and I publish on our blogs.

I will admit, some of mine haven't gotten written so quickly because I wasn't sure what I wanted to say. Others it was out of pure laziness. However, regardless I've enjoyed the experience thus far. Not only because of the personal challenge it has presented me, but also to see how my friends view similar topics and I get to experience their writing styles as well.

I've learned a lot about these girls over the past three weeks. (Even BFF whom I thought I knew almost everything about. Each week something new pops up.) I also find each person has a writing stlye that I hope I will learn to incorporate into mine.

I'm glad this idea was presented and that I get the opportunity to do this with such fine people. I look forward each week to hearing the topics they come up with. It feels like the best is only yet to come!

Until later . . .

1 comment:

Melissa said...

awww...thanks! i look forward to it too. :) i'm excited to share my post for this week.

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