

30 Day Song Challenge: Another Favorite

Day 11: A song from your favorite band:

I don't necessarily have one "favorite" band, but I happened upon a track from this band in the past day or so and decided to highlight them today.

The first time I heard this song was when it was featured on the tv show "ER." The song, and the band, have been on my list of favorites ever since.

Until later . . .


Melissa said...

i heard "when i come around" at the dentist yesterday and was singing along. :)
it's odd that a song called "good riddance" was used for someone who died. i remember that episode. i know the song doesn't have the title in it, but still! the song always reminds me of graduating from college.

Just a Girl In the World said...

yes, it was used when a patient was dying, but it's always had a "happy" tone for me. sort of a embrace life and live it to the fullest type of tone.

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