

Getting Things Off My Mind

• April was an interesting month - and not only because of all the crappy weather we had. I hate using the word epic to describe the month, but I'm not sure what other word I would use. Despite the fact that nothing truly outstanding really happened, and furthermore a few not so great things occurred, it was one of the best months I've had in a long time. I hope May turns out to be the same way.

• Every night before I go to sleep, I pause for a moment to reflect on the things I'm striving to achieve and the ways I'm already blessed. I remind myself to stay focused so I can make the "impossible," possible and at the same time remind myself of all the great things I already have so I don't get down about what I do not have in my life.

• With that said, recently I've had a few moments where I've wondered if what I'm striving for is what I really want. I mean, it is, otherwise I wouldn't be putting so much time, effort and energy into everything. However, if I actually get to where I wish to go I will have to make some hefty sacrifices for the next couple of years. Additionally, there are future risks that come with traveling this path. All these thoughts might very well be a result of the merry-go-round schedule I've been keeping the past month or so that has me exhausted by the end of the day. However, thinking this way does concern me a bit.

• The past couple of days I've had a few things happen that I thought would only happen if "hell were to freeze over." This gets me thinking maybe the things that seem so far out of reach might actually happen. I guess time will tell.

• By now everyone is aware of the big news from Sunday evening. It disturbed me how people were celebrating. I like this quote the Sarcasm Society posted on Facebook, "I wish there was irony in celebrating the death of a person who celebrated the death of others." To some extent I understand people being happy about this, but I think it was overkill. The reality of what happened is that we got the person responsible for the 9/11 attacks, but that doesn't mean the world is now as safe as we'd like it to be.

• Random Fact About Me #1000: I'm a Star Wars geek. I <3 Star Wars so much! I don't know a bunch of trivia like some SW fans do, but I would have no problem watching all the movies back-to-back in one sitting. Actually, I would love to have a Star Wars movie night sometime. #HappyStarWarsDay!

• "Risking our hearts is why we're alive and the last thing you want is to look back and wonder if only." ~ from the tv show Castle

• I looked away for a brief moment and all the sudden the watched pots began to simmer a bit. This means (hopefully) they will be boiling over soon and I will have the answers I've been waiting for. Part of me is happy about this. The other nervous. I'm trying to go back to not thinking about these pots so I can remain calm, cool and collected.

• Apparently I make my check marks backwards. I thought this was "normal" for all leftys, but apparently it isn't. Guess this is just another way I'm unique and different.

• Retraction: Looking back on my "Music!" post I'm thinking saying that this song thing was opening me up to criticism and ridicule was a bit too much.

• Shifting perspective can do wonders for ones attitude.

Until later . . .

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