


If you've been in downtown Chicago lately and happen to have seen a short, burnette boppin' along while walking then that means you've seen me recently. It's not a secret how much I love music, and as I mentioned above, apparently I seem to have forgotten that when one is out in public it is not normal to groove (for lack of a better word) to tunes no matter how much you are enjoying them.

In the days that followed my father's death, I overheard my mom mentioning that she could not go without music like the Jewish faith told us we were suppose to do after the passing of a family member. At the time I wasn't sure what she was talking about or why she felt that way. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed music even as a child, but it didn't have the same role in my life as it does today. As I sit here today I now understand why my mom felt the way she did. I do not mean to offend others who abide by this commandment, or be disrespectful to my faith; however, personally speaking music is one of the things that gets me through the bad times, good times and everything in-between.

Over time my musics tastes have changed as I'm sure they do for many. Over the past couple of years or so I've made a conscious effort to expose myself to all different sorts of genres and not just the same ol' same. In some cases, this has meant rediscovering types of music I once enjoyed, but swept aside for whatever reason. In other ways it's meant falling in love with new bands and artists for the first time.

All this leads to me to the 30 Day Music Challenge that I've decided join. It's a thing on Facebook where you post a YouTube video that corresponds to a song you associate with song of the day. For example - a song played at your prom. (That's not actually on the list, but I think it helps you get the point.)

As with the "Things About Me" list, I decided to put my music choices for this challenge out on this blog as well. I know this means my music tastes are open for public criticism and ridicule, but that is what it is. I guess I just look at music the same way I look at any creative endeavor - subjective and open to individual taste.

My intent was to post the first video yesterday, but current events distracted me from posting anything to this blog. As a result, this post is super-sized with Days One and Two.

Day One: Your Favorite Song

My favorite song varies at any given point in time. Since one of the very last days of this challenge asks you about your favorite song last year I figure I will make this request my current favorite song. Or, in other word - the song that currently is being played over and over and over again on my iPod.

Day Two: Your Least Favorite Song

The reason I don't like this song has to do with the fact that I associate it with a former college love. I'm not saying I was head-over-heels for this song in the first place, but all theses year later I still cannot listen to this song without thinking of this person. To protect the guilty I will leave out the details as to why they made this song one I wish to forget. Thankfully, the reaction I have to this song has lessened overtime.

Until later . . .

1 comment:

Melissa said...

interesting choices.
to each their own with the religious customs. i personally don't listen during the 9 days up to tisha b'av and it is really hard!

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