

30 Day Song Challenge: Be Happy!

The 30 Day Song Challenge continues with a song that makes me happy.

Picking the one song that never fails to make me happy was a bit difficult. At first, I didn't think that there was such a song.

Then it hit me like a ton of bricks.

All I have to do is hear the first four notes of this song and I'm guaranteed to smile . . . Remember I mentioned yesterday that I was boppin' along to tunes on my iPod while walking around the city? Guess what song I was listening too . . .

Sadly, I couldn't find a good video on YouTube for this song, but personally I don't think it needs one.

Take it away Stevie!

Until later . . .

1 comment:

Melissa said...

i didn't know that was the title. lol! great song!

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