

Open Thoughts

• I wanted answers and I got an answer - just not the one I wanted.

• Last Sunday I woke up asking "If not Plan B, and not Plan C, then what is Plan D? (No, I was not writing a standardized test question, but it sure does sound like one, doesn't it?) Anyhow, this weekend I think I have figured out Plan D. Of all the plans I really would like b to workout, but I'm not sure that will be the case.

• On the topic of plans... Though not a good long-term plan, Plan C is a very attractive plan. There could be some amazing adventures and experiences to be had with this plan. Just food for thought.

• I'm still amazed the impact one person can have on your life.

• It was around this time ten years ago that I made an important visit to Chicago for a long weekend.

During that trip BFF, Cantor D, D, Jack and I all went out for dinner and then to see a show BFF, Cantor D and Jack had raved about. This particular show would become legendary amongst BFF, Canter D, Jack and I and something we'd try to go see as often as possible. Whenever I hear this song I think of that night.

• I went out a few times with this guy who is a photographer. His goal for the new year was to get a shot that could be sold as bathroom artwork. He explained to me aiming for kitchen artwork was to high of an expectation. He liked to keep his aspirations low so success was easier to attain. This got me wondering if this was the same thing as under-promising when it came to setting customer expectations and then over-delivering. Either way it was completely opposite of how I am. I seem to always set my sights high. Sometimes I wonder if he has the right idea, but I keep coming back to where I started.

• "The more I do, the less I know . . ." ~ Adele

• This past weekend I was playing checkers with a friend of mine. The game eventually ended because we came to a stalemate. Seriously, we would have literally sat there for a very, very, very long time if we hadn't called it quits. The thing is that I believe I won the game because I had more of their pieces than they had of mine. My friend seems to disagree noting the game ended in a stalemate and not due to one person acquiring all of the other's pieces. So, according to them no one won. The bottom line is that they didn't want to be declared a loser. Can you tell we're both competitive? We plan to have a rematch; even if it means sitting for hours on end playing checkers until someone gets tired enough to make a bad move.

All this has been wanting to learn how to play chess. Though the checkers game fun, the game itself wasn't very challenging. I think chess would provide such a greater challenge.

• Last week I walked 17.5 miles. This week I walked 16.5 miles. This is awesome considering the amount of walking I didn't do last year. During the summer of 2009, I use to walk anywhere from 20 to 30 miles a week. I would love to have the time to do that again, but I don't. With that in mind, I'm feeling good about all the pre-Couch-to-5k training I'm doing and I'm optimistic that I will be able to run a 5k this coming September/October.

Official training starts in 27 days.

• On the topic of open letters . . . When I think of open letters I think of my friend Salk who loves to write open letters on his blog about everything from city politics to why Wrigley Field needs to be demolished. However, a few months ago I read an open letter on a blog that just blew my mind. It was a very personal open letter. Maybe part of my astonishment was that I knew the individuals involved so I know the back story. Nonetheless, I think it was an interesting move for this person to post such a thing. If it were me I would of contacted the person directly. I'm not sure what is accomplished by putting such a personal letter out there like that. Again, this is just my humble opinion.

• This past week as I was driving into the city I found myself thinking, "Life may not be perfect, but ain't that bad." I try to remember moments like these when I'm challenged by things going on in my life.

Until later . . .

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