

30 Day Song Challenge: Radio Play and More Hate

I missed two days - the 15th and 16th. Plus, there is today's song. Since I'm playing catch-up, I'm doing things a little backwards. This post is for today and yesterday . . .

Day 17: A song you often hear on the radio.
As I looked at the list for the past couple of days I seem to be running into problems with all the types of songs. For day 17 that problem is that I hardly ever listen to the radio anymore. The only time I really listen to the radio is when I'm in my car which pretty much boils down to two days a week. I don't even stream music like I use to. This all makes choosing a song "I hear often on the radio" difficult. Then this song came to mind... Even though it's something like six/seven months old, I still hear it on the radio a lot. Interestingly, sometime I'll hear the clean version and other times I'll hear the orginal with bad words silenced out. Either way, I went with the clean version since that is what I hear the most.

Day 16: A song you use to like, but now you hate.

Do I need to get on my soapbox about the word hate? I won't. All I will say is that I don't "hate" this song. I just don't like it anymore.

Until later . . .

1 comment:

Melissa said...

we both picked a fergie song for that theme. :)

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