

30 Day Song Challenge: Betcha You Didn't See This One Comin'

On the first day of this challenge, BFF told me she was surprised by my pick for favorite song and that she would have guessed it would be my pick for today's song. I was a bit surprised by this because I feel my pick on that first day was more what others would expect me to listen to music wise. This leads me to believe a lot of people who know me will see today's selection coming far out of left field.

Day 14: A song no one would expect you to love

There were several artists whose songs were contenders for this spot - The Boxer Rebellion, PJ Harvey and Kayne West (to name a few). At the end of the day, I choose the song below because I've been listening to this group a lot lately.

Until later . . .

1 comment:

Melissa said...

never heard of them.

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