

30 Day Song Challenge: Hate Is A Strong Word

Day 12: A song from a band you hate.

Three years ago, my friend Cantor D invited me to join him at an Urge Overkill concert he had won tickets to. I hadn't heard of the band, but I was told by a coworker of mine they were pretty cool - so I went. I even drafted our friend M to join us. That evening is infamous between the three of us because honestly the show wasn't that great. Actually I think it was so bad we left half way through.

From time-to-time Cantor D, M and I will reminisce and joke about the experience - the most recent round being earlier this week. Apparently Cantor D read Urge Overkill is releasing a new CD and he wanted to make sure we were first in line to get our copies. I was glad he mentioned this because I knew that "a song from a band you hate" was on the horizon. I figured I would use this group for this day of the song challenge. (I didn't necessarily "hate" this band, but I can tell you from what I experienced I wasn't a fan.) While chatting with M recently, I mentioned the song challenge and how I planned to use the song for this particular day. She was quick to comment saying such a thing about this group might be a little harsh considering UO did have good music and that my experience was really a one-off experience. I recognized she might be right and decided to give them a second chance to win me over. Guess what, they did!

Now I feel the need to mention that I'm not a fan of the word "hate." I never have been and I can't really remember the last time when I've used it. So, when I saw this day of the song challenge approaching I wasn't too thrilled to begin with. There was no band I felt THAT strongly against. After watching a few of UO's videos I was quickly won over. This prompted me to change the wording for today's pick.

So, instead of post a song from a band I hate I am posting a song from a band that did not make a good first impression on me. I'm glad I gave them a second chance and look forward to hearing tracks from their upcoming CD.

Until later . . .


Anonymous said...

Sister Havana is one of my favorite songs ever! Thanks for reconsidering T!

Melissa said...

i love the song you posted!!! it always reminds me of freshman year of college and "pulp fiction."

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