

Keepin' It Real

It's Thursday which means it's time for another Thursday Blog entry. This week it was my turn to choose the topic.

In the Glee episode "Born This Way" the Glee Club is told to put a quality they see in themselves as a flaw on a t-shirt. This is done as a way for them to embrace this particular flaw. What I want to know is what would your t-shirt say.

As mentioned above, this topic was taken from an episode of Glee. However, the idea to use it as a topic for this project was come out of a conversation I was having with BFF one day. During the course of conversation my “flaw” came up. Whenever this comes up I typically find myself defending this quality and this particular day was not any different. Truth be told, I don’t really see this as a flaw. At one point, BFF asked be if I’d be willing to wear this quality on “my t-shirt.” (Having just seen the Glee episode I knew what she was talking about.) Without hesitation I replied, “Yes.” That’s when she suggested I offer this up as a topic the next time it was my turn – so I did!

So, what quality am I putting on my t-shirt?

I’m embracing the fact that I’m a realist. I see things for how they are. I like to take situation at hand and view it from a basis of what the facts look like.
Does this mean I’m not optimist or idealist and firmly believe that reality cannot be defied? Absolutely not! Actually, what makes my realism more interesting is that I actually have an optimistic (idealist) side to me. I’m very driven to go after things that I want – even if they appear to be greatly out of reach. I do believe that hell can in fact freeze over.

At the end of the day I believe it’s all a balancing act. Making sure one side doesn’t take over the others. Maybe that is where the “flaw” part of all this comes in play.

Now that I’ve talked about the flaw I wish to embrace, and “wear on a t-shirt,” I encourage you to check out what my fellow bloggers have to say about this topic.

Mom of Many (Susanna)

Momarock (Sarah)

Merryland Girl (Melissa)

Until later . . .

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