

30 Day Song Challenge: This Is Me

We're halfway through May!

Honestly, I can't believe this. The year is flying by faster than I expected it would. I swear it was just January. Anyhow, I'll stop rambling and get on with the "task" at hand . . .

As I mentioned earlier, I'm a bit behind on this song challenge thing. Simply put, life is hectic and I've had to focus on other things outside of this blog.

The song for the 15th day of this song challenge is suppose to be "a song that describes you."

I'll admit, I had a difficult time with this one because I'm the last person to describe myself. When people tell me to tell them about myself I really don't know where to start. First and foremost, I feel this way because I see me as just me (modesty rearing its ugly head). I'm never really sure were to start. If I'm on an interview it's obvious where I should start, but if I'm not... well, that's a different story. I guess what I'm saying is that I like to have parameters in which to focus the information I provide. Secondly, if I talk with someone long enough things about me will come out during the course of the conversation - it's only natural. I find it easier just to have a conversation about whatever than be put on the spot with the open-ended question.

I've put a lot of thought into this selection; possibly too much thought. I almost settled for something I was ok with - then I found this song as I was organizing my iTunes. I've loved this song from the moment I heard it.

Recently, BFF said she's seen a "spark" in me that hasn't been there in many, many years. She's right. Awhile back I said on this blog I am feeling more like the real me than I have in a long time. Part of that feeling has to do with this spark BFF speaks of. Overall, I'm glad this is the case - it's about time! I knew it's always been there, but was a bit afraid I had lost this part of me. (It really has been THAT long since this part of me has shined through.) It's nice to know that isn't gone.

Day 15: A song that describes you:

This song describes the "spark" BFF spoke of perfectly. What makes it even more perfect is the movie it was featured in . . . I smiled big time when I saw the montage from the movie was one of the YouTube videos for this song. I say with full pride, I love this movie (a definite chick flick) . . . this has always been one of my favorite parts of the movie.

Until later . . .

1 comment:

Melissa said...

i love that song too!!!! and the movie, of course. the singer was on american idol. she got to the top 24 and then was cut when they realized that she had a record contract already.
great choice!!! :)

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