

Beer Cheese

Yes, you read the title correct - "Beer Cheese." That is the type of soup I got with my meal tonight. Of course I haven't had a chance to figure out what Beer Cheese taste like because the rest of my meal was so filling. I guess the soup will be my lunch tomorrow. I will report back at that point.

As I sit here contemplating what to write next I have become all too aware that I officially have my first cold of the season. This is one of the reasons I don't like Fall and Winter. Oye! Funny enough I was just talking to someone today about the pros and cons of getting a flu shot. I think it's random luck of the draw when it comes to a flu shot's effectiveness. I've had flu seasons when I've gotten the shot and ended up getting the flu anyhow. Other years I've passed on getting the shot and coasted through the whole flu season without a problem.

Right now I'm back to working on the famous baby blanket. It's basically my "fall back" project at the moment until I make a decision on what to attack next. At some point it will no longer be a fall back project and I WILL need to finish it up for real.

As I mentioned in an earlier post I have a ton of things I want to complete in the next two months. So you'd think I'd have no problem making a decision on what to make next now that my socks are finished. I guess part of my indecision is that I'm a monogamous knitting - I only work on one project at a time vs. multiple projects like a lot of other knitters do. I'm starting to understand why they do this, but I can't bring myself to work on more than one project at a time. When I've talked to others about why they work on multiple projects at one time they say it helps with their Knitting ADD. It is times like this I wish I had Knitting ADD. I'm sure I'll get this all figured out and I'll knit-up all my gifts just in time.

Ok, I'm sure there is more I can share, but I'm out of energy so I think it's time to rest.

Until later. . . Ta! Ta!

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