

Short and Curly

For those that visit my blog frequently, you probably have noticed I've been posting a lot of random things lately - none of them knitting related. This is not because I don't want to knit anymore. It's mainly due to lack of time. I've been so busy lately by the time I sit down to knit I honestly just want to go to sleep instead. At times like this I think about all the vacation time I have to take before the end of the year. Maybe it's a good thing after all.

The baby blanket has been placed back in hibernation and I'm getting ready to cast on the "Windy City Scarf" as seen in Stitch 'n Bitch. Since the yarn I plan to use is a lace weight, and not a 10 ply worsted weight, some adjustments to the pattern will need to be made. This should be interesting.

That is all I have about knitting for now. I went to see Kathy Griffin perform last night at The Chicago Theater and will write about that night out soon. I will just say this. . . it was worth EVERY penny I spent on the ticket - and then some. The best part was we had kick-ass seats on the main floor so the experience was even THAT much better. More to come on that at a later time.

Until then . . . . Ciao!

PS - "Short and Curly" refers to how I wore my hair today. I loved the way it looks and couldn't think of anything else to use for a title.

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