

Just A Little Something I Wrote . . .

All Just a Dream

She poked him intently as if it was critical he awoke. As his eyes began to open he did not need to speak a word; his face said it all. “What the hell is the matter?”
Her face had a look of panic and her voice quivered as she said, “It’s all a dream, isn't it?
“You, this house, my great job; it’s all just a dream! Any moment now I will awake and it will all be gone.”
“Calm down,” he said in a reassuring tone, “It’s not a dream. This is your life; embrace it. If you continue to worry something will most likely go wrong.”
So she did as he suggested.

*** BLINK ***

She woke up and sat up in the bed. Her eyes panned the room slowly. She was alone and her home was silent. No one was next to her to poke. She got out of bed and walked around the cold rooms. There were no other signs of life to be seen. Swiftly she ran back to bed and tightly wrapped the blankets around her small body. As she drifted off to sleep again she thought, “I must have been dreaming. But it felt so real . . .”

From that day forward their life, their love, their legacy would be in her mind all just a dream.

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