

Only 6 More Hours

That is how much longer I have left of fasting.

It's Yom Kippur and for the second time in my life I have decided to fast. Growing up it was a given we'd pick up lunch after services. My favorite memory of breaking the fast before it even really started was when I was in high school. My youngest brother was in from college and we (brother, mom and I) were our kitchen eating bagel chips and shooting the bull. Next thing I knew I realized sunset had take place. I then took a moment to pause, think about whether or not I would stop eating and then mention of the irony to my brother and mom. We laughed and then continued to eat our bagel chips.

The first time I fasted I made it almost the whole way through. My downfall was that I decided to make the kugel for break fast dinner about an hour or two before I was about to leave. I never counted on the fact that the scent of kugel would make me even more hungry than I already was. When I finally got to the point where I almost fainted I decided it was time to eat something. I draw the line once it becomes a health issue.

My strategy this year has been to work on dyeing yarn as a way to get my mind off eating. There has just been one little problem with this approach - in order to dye yarn you have to spend lots of time in the kitchen. I find myself with quick thoughts of grabbing a bite while I wait for the yarn to soak and then it dawns on me that I can't eat until 6PM ish.

... Yes, I mentioned that I was dyeing yarn. It's been interesting to say the least. I do recommend you get latex gloves. I'm sure all my family tonight will be wondering why my fingers are green. I used the Wilton food coloring gels I got back in March to make green icing in honor of St. Patrick's day (which might I mention made me sick just looking at it). I tried following the yarn dyeing directions that I found online, but started to make "adjustments" to the process as I saw fit. Right now I have a few samples drying and will then put them through one last wash process before declaring victory. I will report back as soon as the results are in.

That's all for now. . . Ciao!

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