

Shout Outs!

I haven't done shout-outs in awhile. . . .

* Jules1960 (Jules1960's PhotoStream) - I know I've thanked you before, but I wanted to thank you one last time for your really nice notes. Very few people realize that dropping someone a quick note to wish them a good day every once in awhile can make all the difference.

* Jesi (Jesi's Blog), Piperdoodle (Piperdoodle's PhotoStream) and my peeps in Indy -

Jesi and Piperdoodle thank you for arranging the meetup just because I was going to be in town. It was very nice of you. All my non-knitting peeps can't believe that you'd do that for someone you really didn't know.

Thank you to everyone who showed up for dinner. I had a blast! Jesi thank you for bringing the coupon for a free slice of cheesecake. That ROCKED! I'll be sure to let you know when I'm in Indy again. Also, let me know when y'all plan to come up to Chitown for a yarn crawl. I'd be happy to show you around.

* DaisysMom - I'm so glad you enjoy my blog. Thank you for letting me know. I finally got a chance to peek at yours and it is now on my never-ending list of blogs I follow. DaisysMom's Blog

* Anyone Who Has Left Me a Comment - Thank you! It's nice to know I'm not just participating in the cyberspace version of talking to myself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the shout-out! I guess I better update my blog. :)

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