

To My Dish Rag Tag Peeps

Since we are at the end of Dish Rag Tag I wanted to send a shout-out to my DRT Peeps:

Y'all are AWESOME and great fun to talk with. It was nice to be on a team with individuals who really took the competition seriously, but not so seriously that it wasn't fun. I had a blast!

To our fearless leader "slowknitter" - you rock! You did a great job organizing everything/everyone and keeping our morale up even when we hit a road block, or two. (And, BTW - you weren't "that" slow once you received the box.)

jennantonnix - I appreciate you letting me change the delivery location on you at the last minute. Also, I loved my gifts and I can't wait to use the S'N'C you gave me.

Edith - I'm glad the box didn't take so long to get from my location to yours and I'm glad you liked your gifts.

To the rest of the team - It's been great chatting with you on our Ravelry and DRT forums. Y'all did great!

It really is hard to believe the competition is over with and that now we're just waiting for Emily to receive our box. Sadly, another team's box came in before ours yesterday so now it looks like we'll place somewhere in the Top 10, but not the Top 5. Oh well! Now it's time to get through the DRTWS. If you're part of the competition you know what that stands for, if you're not you couldn't even begin to understand.

I'm looking forward to next year!

Until then . . .Ta! Ta!

1 comment:

Knittin Kudzu said...

Thanks Tracey! It was a pleasure being one of your teammates! It was such a blast! Blessings, Sandy

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