

Vote Early; Vote Often

Since I will be busy on election day I decided to take advantage of early voting today. I'm glad I got to my polling place as early as I did. The parking lot was packed when I got finished (only 15 minutes after they opened). Even though I'm a tech-savvy individual I still don't have 100% faith in the touch screen machines so I took the time to fill out a paper ballot this go
around. Here are some various news stories on this concern:

Voting Machines from

Interactive Voting - The Pros and Cons to Each Method

I hope to one day get to the point where I believe that no votes would be lost with the touch screen method - until then this is one thing I don't mind doing the old fashion way. Being the nerd that I am, I am proudly displaying my "I Voted Today" sticker. All I need now is to blast,"Proud To Be An American" for all to hear.

The below video sums up my last thoughts for today on all this election madness -

(Interview with the Kids from the Ron Clark Academy Rap)


I've wanted a tattoo for sometime however I never knew what I would get. Now, I think I have the answer - Connect the Dots Tattoo. It's body art and entertainment all in one!


TCU plays UNLV this weekend which happens to be the school one of my good friends graduated from. This of course this meant one thing. . . a friendly wager had to be put in place. Let the game begin!


Right now I seem to be in limbo with my projects. I don't seem to have the time to work on anything. I've been so busy with so many other things finding time to knit doesn't seem possible.

On top of all this, my DRT group is doing a reverse swap and I think the box should be coming my way any day now. Thankfully I know a few quick dish rag patterns that are fast knits.

Amongst the miscellaneous errands I have to run - soon I hope - is shipping off a RAK package to acferreira1 (Acferreira1's PhotoStream). She wanted a set of size 3 DPNs. I accidentally bought a set thinking I needed them when it turned out I already had a set. I came across her request before I got a chance to return them so instead I decided to give them to her. She needs them to make her daughter a "baby vintage cardigan." These should have been in the mail to her this past weekend/early this week, but time has just slipped away from me and alas they aren't sent yet.

Well, that's all for now. Until later . . .Ciao!

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