

"They Can Eat Pieces of the Elephant As They Want."

That was just one of the great quotes heard at my family reunion today.

Oh, what a wonderful time it was. There were about 20 of us from my father's side of the family (Which is a lot for my family. Normally we consider 10 an accomplishment). I got to meet family I didn't even know I had and some cousins I haven't seen since I was a little girl in pigtails. It was AWESOME!

Cameras were flashing left and right. Email addresses were being exchanged. I was so impressed and proud of the different professional and social contributions we make as a collective group including political activism both domestically and abroad, a business owner who thought outside the box and found a way to make business requirements easier to meet and educators who touch/have touched all different age groups. These are just a few of the amazing things people in my family do.

In a mere hour or two visit it was if we had always known each other - strangers became family. It was fun to hear all the stories from years gone by and share memories of those that were no longer with us as they are never forgotten. This post is dedicated to them . . . Dad, Grandma and Grandpa, Uncle Stanley, Uncle Sidney and Josh. I didn't know all of you as I was young when some of you left us, but I feel as though I know you through the stories I've been told and all the great pictures I've seen.

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