

Name That Tune

Ever hear a song that you know very well, but do not know the exact title of? You know who it's performed by, but cannot remember the exact name. For the last half hour I've been trying to figure out the title of a Queen song I heard recently. A friend of mine asked me the name of it, and I could not give them an answer. At first I thought I would have it in my iPod so it was finding the answer was no-brainier (or so I thought). However, that was not the case. It's nothing to lose sleep over, but I will definitely pursue this mystery until I have an answer. Meanwhile, one perk of this chase is that I get to listen to great music by Queen.


Another week is coming to an end and once again I am amazed how quickly the time has flown by. It appears there is a fair amount of rain in the forecast so it doesn't look like I will be getting in one of my extensive walks. No worries though. It's all good! There is plenty of other things to do. I look forward to a low key weekend without the craziness that seems to have been my life story lately.

The perfect pumpkin is sitting in my kitchen just waiting to be carved. It's the first year in forever that I have carved a pumpkin. Ironically I do not like to eat anything with pumpkin in it - go figure! So all the inside goodness that many use for baked goods and other seasonal treats will not be present in my home.


My knitting has come full circle . . . literally. After I completed my last blanket I was hell-bent on making a pair of fingerless gloves. Actually, I believe my very first blog post was about how I was going to make fingerless gloves. Fingerless gloves are great because they warm your hands without getting in the way of doing such activities as typing (which "normal" gloves do). These project never materialized into anything because I kept getting frustrated with the DPNs and had no clue how to increase. However, now I am ready - and just in time. I find myself in places from time-to-time that still think it is summer and run their air conditioning accordingly. Since I dress for the weather the only problem is that my fingers are freezing.

I will be using the sock yarn that I made the Harry Potter socks with as it is a nice DK weight. Since I have not gotten the caked yarn for the Windy City Scarf I am free to start a different project. This should be a quick knit (I hope).

That's all for now. . . until later. . . BB!


Anonymous said...

Psst... I found the song. It's actually not Queen at all, amusingly enough. Remember how you told me to check out Mika?

It's Grace Kelly.

Melissa said...

i used to be that way about pumpkin and now i love it. especially in this pumpkin soup that i make. i also love pumpkin pie now and i never thought i'd hear myself say that before. :)

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