

"No Matter Where You Go, There You Are."

The origin of this is interesting. According to one site, this quote comes from Confucius whereas points the origin of this quote to a biblical connections. There is even a Alternative/Folk song by Luka Bloom called "No Matter Where You Go, There You Are."

And that is just the beginning. . . regardless of its origin, the interruption of this quote can be different from person-to-person. For example take this Blogger's reference and interruption of this quote: Keen: Yin Yan Power. This particular blogger sees this quote talking about where one is in their life and where they are going. When I first heard this quote it was referring to people realizing that they are responsible for their conduct around coworkers even if they are outside of the workplace.

November 4th is approaching fast! It's hard to believe in less than two weeks the fate of Barak Obama and John McCain will be sealed. In the meantime, it's not too late to create these puppets and teach your kids about politics:

* Barak Obama Puppet

* John McCain Puppet

Unfortunately there is not a Joe Biden and Sarah Palin pattern.

Since I am very tired this particular evening that will be it for today. I'll be back again soon. Until then remember . . . "No matter where you go, there you are."


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