

Diva Complex?

I'm not a HUGE Ringo Starr fan, but I've been to one of his "All Star Band" concerts and had a great time. I'm also a huge Beatles fan. So, when I heard this news blurb I had to do more searching on the matter to see what it was about.

Here's the initial message:

WTF? Seriously! The more I hear this story reported on I start wondering if Ringo Starr has gotten a diva complex. Who doesn't have time for their fans!? Aren't they the ones who made your career? Aren't they the ones supporting your ability to live the life you have!?

I read this on and felt it said a lot about where he once was and apparently is now - "Starr once starred in an episode of 'The Simpsons' which showed him answering every piece of fan mail.

'They took the time to write to me, and I don't care if it takes 20 years, I'm going to answer every one of them,' Starr said on the show." (Ringo Starr Article)

I guess he no longer feels this way.

This is a more extended video on this news item:

This is all I really have to say on this matter. Back with knitting news a bit later. Until then . . . Ciao!

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