

A Few Firsts Today

Today was filled with firsts that I've decided to ramble about . . .

* For the first time ever I smelled waffles and realized that not only do I NOT like waffles, but it got also got me thinking how I don't like pancakes either (not even chocolate chip pancakes with whip cream).

* Today I finished making my first pair of socks.

* This was the first morning I embraced the start of Fall.

* This was the first day I actually put on my Fall coat before leaving instead of just bringing it along "just in case."

* This was the first day I actually wore something I made out in public (two items actually - socks and hat)

* Today was the first time I drove over train tracks just as the signal went off to notify everyone that a train was coming. (Not something I wish for anyone to experience. I got over those tracks as fast as I could!)

* I realized for the first time today that my aunt's birthday was this past week and I didn't wish her a happy birthday

* This was the first time I was extremely thankful I choose to hand-wash something vs. throwing it in the wash - the garment color bled all over the place.

That's all. . . I told you this post was just a bunch of rambling. ; )

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Sounds like a lot of firsts! I did the train thing once. I actually ended up right in front of the bar, but before the tracks. freaky, or what?
your blog reminds me that i need to call my grandparents for the high holidays. i think it was your aunt comment.
i love fall!!! have the leaves changed colors in illinois yet?
the yarn for your socks totally has a HP theme to it. i didn't know you had been getting so much into HP books and movies. very cool.

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