

No More High Fructose Corn Syrup (at least for 30 days)

One of my all time favorite places to eat just announced they are eliminating High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) from all their foods - Jason’s Deli Is First Restaurant Chain in U.S.To Remove HFCS in Food.

The timing of this news is ironic as I am considering taking on a challenge during the month of November to eliminate HFCS from my diet (not an easy task). The idea was given to me by a friend of mine taking on this challenge. Here are the details of the challenge:

From my friend's blog:

"The Challenge (if you choose to accept it).

Starting November 1st you will not eat or drink anything containing HFCS until November 30. Restaurant meals are excepted because you can never be too sure and I don't want to spoil a birthday or something. This should give you a week to alter your menus and get your pantry prepared. Then just start reading labels. Don't buy or eat anything with HFCS in it. You have to check every label- even bread can be hiding some. You don't have to go all organic, but you may have to change brands on some things."

At this point I am leaning towards taking on this challenge. I'll let you know once I have made a final decision.

Until later . . . Ta! Ta!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope you choose to accept this challenge and realize how hard it is going to be to get away from this stuff. A few years ago I was alerted to the possible dangers of consuming this crap and done a pretty good job of eliminating most of it. The problem is it is EVERYWHERE and in the most bizarre things (health bars, SOBE, etc).

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